Friday, 25 July 2014

Thank You For Your Support

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your fantastic support of The Modernist Society Blog over the last two years.

As many of you will have noted, the regular news stories, reviews and events flyers came to an abrupt halt at the end of May. This is because I have taken on a new job role from the beginning of June whereby I am now leading the engineering company that I have worked at for the last 3 ½ years. With responsibility for over 100 employees (and therefore the well-being for over 100 families personal economies), it now requires my 24/7 attention and dedication. Even my part-time PhD and academic research has now had to go ‘on hold’ indefinitely.

On a positive note, this doesn’t affect the clothes I wear, the music I listen to or (some of) the books I read.

Furthermore, I am very proud that The Threads have been included within the forthcoming Cherry Red box-set, ‘Millions Like Us – The Story Of The Mod Revival 1977-1989’, which will include ‘Step Back’ from the 1986 Phase III EP (Unicorn).

Many thanks for your support, and I’ll see you out and about at the usual gigs and events.

Mod For Life.

Paul Hooper-Keeley

Detour Records re-issue THE THREADS' 'Step Back In Time' anthology CD 25-years after original release

  25-years ago, Detour Records collected together virtually all of the recorded output that had been released by Lincolnshire Mod band, The ...