Thursday, 23 November 2023

Darron J Connett - 'All That Malarkey' album review


Darron J Connett has had several releases over the last few years (in more than one guise) but one thing you know with his albums is that they will be professionally performed and well produced – and ‘All That Malarkey’ is no exception. 

The album starts with L’Inizio, a short and dramatic piece that sounds like the theme track to a movie before continuing with Leave Me Alone, a catchy number with some great guitar playing that would make a good A-side, with a pace change to close the song. 

Win Or Lose is another well produced song with some great layers on instrumentation but there’s a more measured build up to Come Tomorrow before it bursts into life for the chorus, returning to a lower level before exploding again. 

There’s more of an acoustic feel to the beginning End Of The Day, and some big and dramatic piano notes, which again evokes a film soundtrack. Very enjoyable. Arcadian is a more laid-back number featuring piano that smoulders with it’s ‘Don’t Fade Away’ hook line. 

Candescent Smile features Mani Perazzoli of the Buzzcocks touring band. I like this a lot – the verse has the vibe of a Weller track from around his ‘Wild Wood’ period before moving into a lovely descending chorus. Very nice indeed and great guitar work again. 

There’s some urgency as Mr Davis kicks in, along with a Kinks’ observational angle, followed by another earworm chorus and more great instrumentation and production values. 

A nice percussion intro followed by great upbeat vocal and music ushers in Into The Void with a familiarity that makes you instantly know the song. This is another potential A-side which I am sure would get plenty of radio play. 

A much more serious start greets Average Is The New Great, with menacing music the order of the day. There’s a driving beat that carries the song forward. 

Album finale, You Know Your Problem, is another energetic and catchy song – upbeat and fun and a great way to end the album. Well almost end it – there is a false ending so if you wait a few seconds there is a bonus extra segment. 

We have great new original music with fine musical performances and production here so it’s well worth checking out ‘All That Malarkey’ and giving Darron J Connett your support.

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