Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Chris Farlowe Film Update


With the end of 2023 around the corner, it only seems fair to give an update on the film.

As most of the are aware this film has been in production for a long time (too long, I’m sure you’d agree!). Having started this as three first time filmmakers we never really knew what form the project would take, or how long it might take to complete. 

Having filmed with Chris for 5 years, amassing unthinkable amounts of footage, we then had to embark on the edit. Through dedication, patience and lots of learning we eventually assembled a cut that we could show some close friends and industry professionals. We’re happy to say that the film has received resoundingly positive feedback.

The making of the film has been funded out of our own (very modest) pockets, along with some contributions from a few kind friends. We are now trying to work out how to finance the completion and release of the film. 

Due to the large amount of copyrighted music and footage we want to include, the licenses are currently prohibitively expensive. Therefore, early next year we plan to run a Crowd funder to help finance the release. We hope that in return for various ‘rewards’ (such as your name in the credit, rare Chris Farlowe memorabilia, new music, etc), we can raise enough cash to get this film onto next year’s film festival circuit, which will hopefully help secure wider distribution (on streaming services and/or a small cinema run). 

As always, we are ever so grateful for everyone’s patience and understanding. We never thought it would take so long, or cost so much to release the film. We know there’s a lot of people that want to see this film released. No one more so than us and Chris. 

Here’s hoping that with fan support we can make that happen next year. 

Thank you.

Triple A Films (Adam, Andy and Asa)

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