Friday, 8 February 2013

The Fay Hallam Trinity announces Italian Tour and French Festival Date

The Fay Hallam Trinity has announced the following dates/cities for their forthcoming Italian tour, along with a French festival date in July.

30 March - Fidenza

31 March - Fosdondo di Correggio

02 April - Brescia

03 April - Savignano

04 April - Firenze

05 April - Trento

06 April - Torino

13 July – Heatwave Festival, French Riviera


Following the excellent ‘Realm’ album on Biff Bang Pow Records, the follow-up album, ‘1975’, on her own label, and the well-received ‘Lost In Sound’ collaboration with the Bongolian on Blow-up Records in 2012, it is not clear if Fay has a new release in the pipeline for 2013.

For more details visit


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