Monday, 29 April 2013

Paul Hooper-Keeley invited to speak at the University of Warwick’s ‘Subjectivity and Subculture’ Symposium in June.

I am delighted to announce that the University of Warwick has invited me to deliver a presentation on Mod in June where I will join Dr Rupa Huq, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Kingston University, and Dr Shane Blackman, Professor in Media, Art and Design at Canterbury Christ Church University, who will be giving keynote papers at the symposium. 

Theories of subculture - emerging primarily from within the Chicago School in the early Twentieth Century, and from the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) in the 1970s and 1980s – have tended to characterise subculture as the collective cultural and social practices of disenfranchised young working class males. However, in recent years scholars have challenged this definition, arguing that subcultures are inhabited by a diverse population, and that these spaces may not be as cohesive as earlier theorisations suggest.

Scholars have addressed this issue by pursuing research into ‘marginal subcultures’. This work sheds light on how people are able to organise their cultural practices around specific modes of subjectivity, but there is, to date, limited engagement with how people negotiate a variety of subject positions within the same subcultural environments.

This one day symposium focuses on how subjectivities are managed by subcultural participants and by those who research such spaces. It seeks to facilitate a dialogue about the intersectional and reflexive considerations of subcultural research, placing particular emphasis on the implementation of innovative methodological strategies.

The symposium will address the following questions: -

1)   Are marginal subjectivities always disempowered within established subcultural environments?

2)   To what extent should contemporary subcultural researchers challenge the definition of subculture as a form of ‘marginal’, or ‘disenfranchised’, collective cultural participation?

3)   What are the primary epistemological concerns within the field of subcultural studies at the present time?

4)   How can we as researchers develop innovative methodological approaches to the study of subjectivity and subculture?

5)   What does the future of subcultural studies look like?

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Detail Magazine - Issue 16 - out in March featuring Rick Buckler, Eddie Phillips, PP Arnold, Shel Talmy, Bruce Foxton and Paul Hooper-Keeley

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