Sunday, 23 June 2013

A Mod Horror Film, 'Blood and Carpet', is currently in production...

'Blood and Carpet' Film Director, Graham Fletcher-Cook, has been in touch to tell the Modernist Society Blog about “A Mod horror film set in East London. In the late 1960's there were no CCTV or crime scene DNA testing, but disposing of a dead body was still bloody murder."

'Blood and Carpet is "A feature film starring Annie Burkin, Frank Boyce, Nicola Stapleton & Andrew Tiernan."
"They said it couldn't be done. Making a period feature film for under £3000 pounds. So Timber Productions set out to prove them wrong. Utilising cutting edge DSLR cameras and digital media storage. Calling in favours generated through 30 years working in films and by stretching every single penny of the budget the film began principle photography in May 2013. Everyone involved offering their help based entirely upon the strength of the script."
"Ruby and Lyle have a problem. A dead body in the bathroom. Who it is, why it's there and for what reason we do not know. Their immediate issue is to deal with the matter in hand. Disposal. And to keep any visitors from discovering the evidence. A simple premise, but there is so much that can go wrong. And it probably will in this tale of deception, intrigue, hedonism and suet pudding.”

And to add to that, the film also features The Petty Hoodlums.

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Detail Magazine - Issue 16 - out in March featuring Rick Buckler, Eddie Phillips, PP Arnold, Shel Talmy, Bruce Foxton and Paul Hooper-Keeley

Claire Mahoney says: Busy working on issue 16 this morning to get this baby off to print. A special issue this one and that's reflected...