Saturday, 13 February 2021

Book Review: 'Out of Time' by Paul Davis


I have just finished reading 'Out of Time' by Paul Davis and have to say that I really enjoyed - it is definitely in the category of hard to put down.

The premise of the book, without giving too much away, is that ageing Mod (aren't we all) Jools is still living in Dublin and going to Mod nights arranged and attended by the other survivors of the mid-80s Mod scene. However, a dramatic turn of events sends Jools back to 1985 and the 'Bubbles' Mod Club to spend a few days reliving her youth in her 1985 body but with her 21st Century knowledge. This strange juxtaposition raises a few eyebrows with her friends as she struggles not to reveal her time-travelling truth.

Jools believes that she has been given an opportunity to change a traumatic event from 1985 and races against time to try and change the course of history. Unfortunately this also ripples the time continuum and puts some of her friends in great danger with some very unsavoury characters. The story unfolds with many twists and turns, but also keeps the reader totally gripped.

A superb story with some fantastic narrative of the mid-80s Mod scene in Dublin, Bubbles Club, the shops, the scooters, the clothes, the Mod cohort and the parties of the time.

It really does take you back (and let's face it, who wouldn't want to go back to relive those times again) to that wonderful underground Mod scene that we transcended into after the revival period, and which was surely the coolest and sharpest point in Mod history (so much research went into every detail back then).

Very highly recommended - enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. Not a whole lot of research went into it, to be honest, I just wove the story around my memories of back then.
    Glad you liked it.
    Paul Davis - Author "Out Of Time."


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